Feet Washing & Free Hugs

One of the most impressive traits of leadership is humility. Coming from Church on the Rock, we have been fortunate to see it present in the lives of our church leaders there. Well, God has led us to yet another place filled with gracious example of humility. During one of the morning prayer times, the DTS staff held a foot washing demonstrating their place of service as our leaders. It was a rich and meaningful time for all the students and it was a beautiful foundation for what was to come in the following weeks.

For Steve and I it was a particularly rich time of communion. Steve asked that we do each other. At first I did not see that it was necessary but after I agreed, it turn out to be a time for God to speak big things into both of our lives. We grew in our love and was a demonstration of being a bond servant to each other. This was a lovely opportunity of hearing from God.

Steve and I are so grateful for God’s faithfulness to us in all areas of our lives, particularly in our relationship. He continues to draw us to one another as we seek his face.

Later in this week, we participated in a local outreach to downtown San Jose where we gave away free hugs to anyone who would receive them. We were amazed at the huge number of hurting people that walk through town are never ministered to in their pain. Steve had a great prayer time with two different men. His spanish is good enough to engage in conversation. On the other hand, mine is very poor and I was not able to minister as I had hoped. I mostly watched the children and helped in prayer as a spanish-speaking friend led the conversation and prayer.

This experience made me all them more determined to learn spanish. It is a necessary tool in ministry here. I often ask God to give me spanish as a gift:) Our outreach to Central America begins in the first week of April. I hope to have a more functioning level of spanish by that time. Your prayers would be welcomed for this.

To close this post I want to share a photo I took one day of Abigail. Abi is an awesome reader. This day I saw her out on the base swing with her book in hand, reading. I am so thankful for moments like these. It reminds me that God’s favor is on this little family that have left their home to seek his purposes. Please pray for our girls. They miss their home and their friends. But in moments like this that I know we are right where God wants us.


  1. Leslie said,

    February 25, 2010 at 4:19 am

    I love your new blog!! enjoyed our chat tonight, too. what a treat to talk with another homeschooling momma!!!

    • February 26, 2010 at 7:48 pm

      Leslie, thanks for the note. I too so enjoyed out time together. I have another book for you. When you come next time I’ll get it to you. Looking forward to our cookie baking day;)

  2. Claire smith said,

    February 28, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    Dear Abi,
    i miss you a lot. What are you doing? Love, Claire

    • March 2, 2010 at 11:57 pm

      dear Clare i miss you too.right now i,m at A place called Baldi Hot Springs. And its in La Fortuna here in Costa Rica. I would like to know what you are doing this week and as you are reading this. If I go back to Alaska, I will tell you a few words in spanish I know cause I am learning a lot.

  3. Sara said,

    July 3, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    I love all the photos of the kids, the ones that we love so dearly. I know that Elizabeth we would have been the best of friends.

    happy day,

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